4 Things You Can Do To Make Your Mornings Better, From Someone Who Hates Mornings

Bianca Carmen
3 min readJun 4, 2021

Yawn. Its 9:13am as I am writing this, and I can tell you that I already need a second coffee. Mornings have never come easy to me. My parents are big sleepers, and naturally, I love sleeping in. My partner on the other hand, gets up at 4:30am for his job, and never complains. And you wouldn`t believe it, but on weekends, he`s still an early bird. I`m convinced he has superpowers or something.

Working a 8:30am-5:00pm job isn`t something I was hardwired to do. I used to get up every morning with no intention to do anything but complain about having to get up. Clearly, that wasn`t going to help me. After searching the web far and wide, watching numerous YouTube videos, Pinterest pins and any self help blogger I could find, I have found a little list of things that have helped me put a little pep in my step in the mornings.

  1. Make your bed.

Okay hear me out. This isn`t as much for your Morning self as it is for your Night self, but a there`s nothing better than getting into a made up bed. I will admit, I sometimes don`t do this when I am feeling extra lazy, but I always thank myself when I do, because it sets me up for a comfortable sleep. Getting into this habit will also allow you to force yourself out of bed, and not want to ruin a beautiful piece of art once its all made.

2. Drink a fat glass of water.

Ice cold water always wakes me up and makes me feel alive. You become dehydrated in a sense overnight, so giving your body that water it desperately needs is doing your self a big favor. I always turn to coffee right away because I need bean water to fuel my day, but doing it after I drink water gives me a sense of accomplishment because water is obviously a better idea… Bottom line.


3. Writing in a journal.

This may sound lame to people, but I honestly love doing this. Writing even just a few sentences on how I am feeling, or some affirmations to start my day has really given me a little boost in the morning. Here are a few examples to give you some ideas!

  • I am overflowing with happiness and gratitude
  • Today, I choose to love and cherish myself fully
  • I am not my past. I am creating my future
  • The universe wants me to succeed

4. Meditate.

Kind of like journaling, this may not be for everyone, and frankly, I didn`t think it was for me. In the morning, I don`t want to get up just to sit down and try to zen myself by listening to someone who is telling me to sit up right when all I want to do is crawl back into my warm bed. However, I found a solution to that. Guided bed meditations is where its at! I have been using an app lately called Bloom (I was gifted a free trial, which you can also get for 7 days using code BLOOMERS) and I found some great morning meditations that literally want you to stay in bed. Playing these, focusing in and breathing deeply have really changed my morning. If using an app for this isn`t your thing, there are tons on YouTube you can find as well!

That`s all Folks. 4 ways that hopefully improve your grumpy mornings just a little! If you have any more tips for me, please reach out as anything that could make my mornings easier is good to me!



Bianca Carmen

a 25 year old just trying to make it through these weird times.